Difference Between Residential Architect and Commercial Architect
Building a new house, office or renovating an old space? Hire the right expert. Know the difference between residential and commercial architects to choose the best one.
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Difference Between Residential Architect and Commercial Architect


Difference Between Residential Architect and Commercial Architect

Building a new house, office or renovating an old space, can be nerve-wracking. Amidst that, finding an
the architect who will shape your vision, in reality, is a hurricane task. Be it any architecture design, it is necessary to find the right expert. For instance, a residential architect cannot design an office space. Nor will the commercial architect design a cozy home. So, before landing on a decision, it is important to know the difference between residential and commercial architect.

Residential architect vs. Commercial architect

  1. Target group

    Residential architect: As the name suggests, residential architects cater to a specific clientele. They deal with home dwellers, builders, and individuals. They provide a complete solution. Right from development, design and overall management of the construction.
    Commercial architect: Commercial architects focus on large ventures especially non-residential
    structures like a mall or retail store. Their target group is the general public. And the aim is to lure them into visiting the commercial space regularly.

  2. The needs of the structure

    Residential architect: Residential spaces serve different needs altogether. They have lesser rooms and are meant for people to live. And so, they are aptly designed to fulfill the needs and specifications of the resident. The residential architect makes sure to add maximum comfort to the dweller.
    Commercial architect: Commercial spaces could be a retail store, mall, or even a posh corporate office where a lot of people come and go. So, for commercial architects, it may become challenging. Because some commercial spaces have many rooms like a storeroom, conference room, and much more.

  3. Safety norms

    Residential architect: The residential architect has to consider the safety norms of a residential structure. He/she has to be well-versed with the technicalities of it. They need to have sound knowledge of safety norms especially for stairs, attics, electrical lines, and plumbing.
    Commercial architect: Commercial spaces have more rooms and more people at one time. And that’s why their safety norms are different than residential. Moreover, commercial spaces have some extra additions too like an escalator, café, elevators, changing rooms, conference room or even gyms. So, with each room, the safety norm changes making it a bit challenging.

  4. Creative freedom

    Residential architect: Residential architects enjoy immense creative freedom. Mostly, they have to deal with inexperienced clients. Though this inexperience may take a long time to complete the project. But they have a chance to share their inputs as the regulations are different. Also, while giving any suggestions, they do not have to take permission from any authority. The reason being they work on an individual basis.

Commercial architect: A commercial architect might not get much creative freedom. Their designs may depend on their forte, style, and the projects they choose. Moreover, there is the involvement of large
teams making it difficult to contribute ideas.
Well, these are some of the differences we thought when it comes to commercial architect vs residential architect. Despite both being different yet you may find a single expert who can handle both these types with finesse. And if you are looking for such an expert as a residential architect in Pune, then you may connect with Ankur Associates. Not just this, but they are also one of the renowned commercial architects in Pune!